Resolute, coordinated actions to streamline state apparatus

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Resolute, coordinated actions to streamline state apparatus

Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 17:25:53

-The Vietnamese Party and State are taking decisive and coordinated actions to streamline the state apparatus, from the central to grassroots levels. On February 28, the Party Politburo and Secretariat issued Conclusion 127 reaffirming their strong commitment to making the system lean and mean.

The Communist Review Editorial Board held a conference to implement the Politburo’s Decision on personnel work in Hanoi on February 28.

Restructuring for development

Conclusion 127 outlines the principle of “streamlining for development.” It introduces merging certain provincial-level administrative units, phasing out the district-level administration, merging and consolidating commune-level administrative agencies, toward a two-tier local government model , and temporarily suspending Party congresses at the commune and district level. The Conclusion also calls for reviewing, amending, and supplementing Party regulations, the Constitution, and State laws. The Party Politburo and Secretariat have set out a timeline for relevant agencies to fulfill their plans.

Abolishing district level and shifting governance to the provincial and commune level is an important step in streamlining the apparatus and improving governance efficiency because the provincial and communal tiers are more directly connected to people's lives. Removing the intermediate district level will empower provincial and commune level, simplify administrative procedures, and enhances the efficiency of decision-making and service delivery.

Former Editor-in-Chief of the Communist Review Vu Van Phuc said: "Abolishing the intermediate district level is a timely and necessary step, enabling Party and State policies to reach the grassroots level more swiftly. It will enable the fast implementation of guidelines and policies. The Fourth Industrial Revolution requires us to seize opportunities and take advantage of development opportunities.”

Conclusion 127 calls for a temporary suspension of Party congresses at the commune and district level while merging provinces. This shows the creativity of the Party Central Committee at a time of transition to a new term. The restructuring of provincial administrative agencies will be based on population size, economic potential, cultural factors, and regional synergy to ensure continued development.

Head of the Party Central Committee’s Organization Commission Le Minh Hung.

Le Minh Hung, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Organization Commission, said: "The ultimate goal of this restructuring is to ensure that the political system unlocks new growth opportunities for localities and the nation."

Resolute, coordinated actions

Streamlining the apparatus began when the Party Central Committee adopted Resolution 18 in 2017, but the momentum for reform has accelerated rapidly in the past few months. Party General Secretary To Lam has repeatedly stressed the urgency of streamlining the apparatus immediately and comprehensively. Directives have been issued, each with clear timelines for completion.

On December 30, 2024, just 30 days after the National Conference on implementing Resolution 18, the Politburo and the Secretariat announced a Decision redefining the functions, mandates, responsibilities, authority, and organizational structure of central-level agencies following their merger.

The Party Central Committee took the lead, followed by local authorities, aiming to complete the restructuring of the political system by the first quarter of 2025. This reform is not just about reducing numbers. At its core, it’s about driving qualitative transformation within the political system. In addition to streamlining the apparatus, the reform will restructure and reform the leadership of the Party.

Under the Party Central Committee’s direction, reform has been carried out in a top-down manner – at agencies of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government, and all ministries, localities, and socio-political organizations, with a "no exceptions" principle.

What is unfolding today demonstrates Vietnam’s unwavering commitment to fundamentally reshaping its governance model. The Party’s consistent policy of streamlining the apparatus is revolution aimed at breaking down outdated barriers, overcoming vested interests, and ensuring a governance structure that’s more efficient and responsive. It’s an inevitable step toward a more prosperous and sustainable future.

Tag、VOV VOVworld Party resolution streamlining apparatus Le Minh Hung

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