My studies RMIT University

Đăng ngày:

Important dates and academic calendar

Important dates for RMIT Vietnam students in a year.

Enrolment、Discover how to enrol as a new or continuing student, as well as apply for credit or leave of absence.

Canvas - study portal

Canvas is a powerful learning tool which students use throughout their time at RMIT Vietnam.

Class timetables

RMIT’s timetabling system is called myTimetable. You will use myTimetable to plan, create and view your class timetable.

Assessment and results

All the information you need about assessment extensions, special consideration, academic integrity, academic progress, results, remission of debt and appeals at RMIT Vietnam.

Fees and payments

Tuition fee information, payment methods and more information about financial matters.

Graduation、Celebrate your hard work and all that you have achieved during your time at RMIT before you embark on a new adventure.

Rights and responsibilities

Find out what is expected of you as an RMIT student and what you can expect of the University.

myRMIT information

myRMIT gives you access to everything you need to manage your studies, from enrolment through to graduation.

Program and course information

Information about your program, courses , requisites and inherent requirements.